Mailyan 5 - Appliances obturators -

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Mailyan 5 - Appliances obturators

Obturatoris  applied before and after surgical treatment period in order to eliminate the defect of palatal tissues, ensure the formation of palatal cupula and prevent the formation of postsurgical scars. Obturator consists of removable and fixed parts. The  removable  part of the obturator constitutes a palatal wireframe and palatal sectional plates on soft and hard palate, which are fixed to the palatal wireframe by orthodontic springs. The basis of the appliance is fastened on hangers soldered on the fixed part through lingual-vestibular arches (see, Fig2.)  with braces(see, Fig1.) Activation of springs of the obturators basis in the vertical direction promotes the formation of palatal  cupula.  If necessary, the obturator  may be provided with artificial teeth.

Appliance - obturator

The appliance-obturatoris intended to stimulate the growth and the filling of defects of missing tissues of the jaws. If necessary, the design of the appliance allows to combine the filling of defects  with the correction of the  form of dentoalveolar arch too. The appliance-obturator comprises a palatal arch connected through springs with fastening elements in the form of wireframes on the lateral, and if necessary, the frontal segments of teeth and a plate or plates obturating  the missing tissues of the  defect (see, Fig. 3).

After  14 month
patient 21 years old
As an embodiment of the appliance can serve a construction, in which the connection of plates with support-retaining wireframes of  lateral, as well as, frontal segments of the dentition is realized  ​​through palatal arch (see,Fig4). When the height of crowns of  lateral teeth is small, the fastening elements are realized  in the form of fixed and removable details.

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